Friday, September 08, 2006

"Apology to America"

Sorry: it was funny the first time.

Perspective on the World

I came across these images at the following site;
It was very much this sort of thing that had a huge influence on my fragile little mind as a child. I think I'm going to give all my nephews and neices books about astronomy when hit the age of ten; especially the religious ones.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Poker in Vegas

I mentioned it on MSN Spaces (the site that only I seem to be able to access right now), but I'll mention it again since I got the travel details today. Assuming all goes as planned (America lets me in), I'll be participating in the 'Mansion Poker Dome Challenge' which airs on FSN (known as 'The Score' here in Canada) on September 24. I'll be the bundle of nerves who sits down and immediately vomits on the felt; after which, I'm hoping I'll play great poker.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

The Log Driver's Waltz

A little slice of childhood.

Monday, September 04, 2006

Pipebombs and Pipedreams and Manchurian Blowback

It seems to me that the thwarted terror threats - Canada's, Britain's, and America's - all have common threads. Law enforcement in all three countries can catch imbeciles with ill-conceived visions of grandeur, who are more likely to blow themselves up than a plane. And law enforcement in all three countries can pat themselves on the back for their accomplishments. I don't have great respect for the intelligence of the religious radical, of whatever stripe, but surely the Moslem variety can conjure up a threat more terrifying and more real. For now I don't think they really need to though; you don't need terribly clever jujitsu. Just let Bush be Bush, or the neocons be neocons. Whoever the policy hacks that are masterminding this 'war on terror' are, the results speak for themselves. Its amazing what greed and an ignorant ideology can produce. Its all got a 'Manchurian Candidate' feel to it, but I think the plot is really much simpler and more aggravating.

FBI Role in Terror Probe Questioned
Lawyers Point to Fine Line Between Sting and Entrapment

'Flying Toilet Terror Labs'

An interesting article about the feasibility of the recent London plot for those of us with some MacGyver in them.

Evolving Statistics

Lewis Black ramping on religion